Mommy Makeover
Case ID: 6473
Abdominoplasty, bilateral breast uplift
Mommy MakeoverCase ID: 5855
Abdominoplasty, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral hip/flank regions, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral anterior axillary regions, bilateral breast uplift with autologous fat transfer
Mommy MakeoverCase ID: 6523
Abdominoplasty, bilateral total capsulectomy, removal of bilateral saline mammary prostheses, conversion of subglandular position to dual plane, bilateral breast augmentation using silicone mammary prostheses, bilateral breast uplift
Mommy MakeoverCase ID: 5663
Abdominoplasty, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral hip/flank regions, bilateral breast uplift
Mommy MakeoverCase ID: 5768
Abdominoplasty, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral hip/flank regions, bilateral periareloar breast augmentation
Mommy MakeoverCase ID: 5525
Abdominoplasty, bilateral breast uplift, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral upper extremities (after photo 6 days post-operative)
Mommy MakeoverCase ID: 5642
Abdominoplasty, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral hip/flank and axillary regions, bilateral breast reduction
Mommy MakeoverCase ID: 5502
Abdominoplasty, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral hip/flank regions, removal and replacement of bilateral breast implants with bilateral breast uplift
Mommy MakeoverCase ID: 4396
Abdominoplasty, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral hip/flank regions, bilateral periareolar breast augmentation
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