Breast Reduction
Case ID: 6558
Bilateral breast reduction, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral anterior axillary regions. Postoperative image 6 weeks post-procedure
Breast ReductionCase ID: 6558
Bilateral breast reduction, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral anterior axillary regions. Postoperative image 6 weeks post-procedure
Breast ReductionCase ID: 5839
Bilateral breast reduction (after photo 2 weeks post-operative)
Breast ReductionCase ID: 5641
Abdominoplasty, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral hip/flank and axillary regions, bilateral breast reduction
Breast ReductionCase ID: 5588
Bilateral breast reduction. Close-up image of incisions 6 years, 9 months post-procedure
Breast ReductionCase ID: 3469
Bilateral breast reduction, suction-assisted lipectomy of bilateral axillary regions
Breast Reduction* All indicated fields must be completed.
Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.