Non Surgical

Injectables And Fillers

Injectables and fillers are popular nonsurgical techniques for treating facial lines and wrinkles. These minimally invasive procedures produce quick results with virtually no downtime. These treatments, however, are palliative, cannot correct facial sagging or achieve the same results as surgical or resurfacing procedures. Furthermore, a measured response to a patient’s request should always be put into practice. There is a tendency among those increasingly plagued by the cultural obsession with youth and beauty to over pull, overfill and go too far. The result is a loss of softness along with a loss of the personality of the face and its familiar landmarks.

With that in mind, please select and read from the list of procedures delineated below:

Skin Resurfacing

Resurfacing is an umbrella term that encompasses a number of therapeutic modalities. Included among these are chemical peels, dermabrasion and laser resurfacing. Each may be used on the entire face, albeit with exception. These procedures, performed alone or in concert with other rejuvenative procedures, provide significant and long-lasting improvement of sun damaged, unevenly pigmented or coarsely wrinkled facial skin.

With that in mind, please select and read from the list of procedures delineated below:

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